Consultation and Public Speaking
I really like helping other clinicians with their cases. I think I would do it all day if I could; it’s so fun. What I offer to therapists as well as neurodiversity-serving professions (occupational therapists, ADHD and executive function coaches, speech-language pathologists, teachers etc):
How to use screening tools to assess for Autism, ADHD, OCD, and other neurodiversities. You might be surprised to know that many assessments are free, online, and very helpful. I’ll give you my list of assessments and we’ll go over how to use them with your clients.
Insight on Au-DHD clients (those who are ADHD and Autistic). We can figure out if your client is either/or/both, and consider ways you and your client can work together toward your goals.
Public Speaking
I've enjoyed presenting at the UW Autism Center, Ryther, Seattle Public Schools, and group practices in the Seattle area.
Talks for Therapists and Mental Health Organizations
How To Fight With Your Therapist: how therapists can teach self-advocacy and rupture and repair in therapy
Navigating Shame with Neurodiverse Clients
What You Didn’t Learn about Neurodiversity in Grad School
Talks for Community Organizations
Executive Function for School-Age Children
Division of labor for caregivers of young children
Assertiveness skills